
A figure of a woman looking depleted against aa red low battery icon aside a figure of a woman walking energetically against a green full battery icon

A Leave Policy is designed to inform employees of their entitlements and requirements regarding leave from work. The National Employment Standards (NES) stipulate the minimum leave entitlements for employees for all industries. Businesses may have their own award, registered agreement, or contract. Irrespective of that, those contracts and agreements cannot include leave that is less than what is specified by the NES.

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Workplace Behaviour

An employee upset and making a scene in an office environment

The aim of a Workplace Behaviour Policy is to detail the standards, values and expectations for appropriate behaviour in the workplace, and in particular an employee’s obligation to contribute to a safe and pleasant work environment that is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment.

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Alcohol & Drugs

Workers celebrating at an office party, once employee is throwing up into a plant

An Alcohol and Drugs Policy is intended to inform all employees that being under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other prohibited substances will not be tolerated in the workplace or within work hours. An Alcohol and Drugs Policy should specify that the use of any drugs and alcohol within work hours is a workplace health and safety concern as it can affect a person’s ability to exercise judgment and impair coordination, motor control, concentration and alertness. 

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Probation Period

Lily joined the company in a newly created role as site administrator just over 2 months ago.  Whilst Lily appears to be settling in well her work is not quite where you expect it to be.  Lily has missed a few deadlines and her attention to detail is poor at times but on the other hand, she has really connected the team and reduced the turnaround time on contract administration significantly.  You can’t quite work out what is going on but feel Lily is trying hard and you would like her to succeed. It is better to give feedback now and potentially resolve the situation rather than wait any longer. Your key question is really is Lily the right fit for the role?

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Flexible Working Request

Jacqui has been employed as a receptionist for over two years now.  She has been a terrific employee showing herself to be proactive, positive, and above all, very responsible. Jacqui has requested to see you indicating that she would like to adjust her work hours from 9-5 to better suit her lifestyle as she is undertaking further study.

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Material to support a termination process; how-to conduct exit interviews and communicate resignations as well as, dismissal codes and policies for redundancies and disciplinary action.

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Health & Wellbeing

Ensure new employees are settling in and up to date with new starter guides, workplace policies, safety information and an induction plan.

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Documentation to conduct performance reviews, issue warnings or promotions, and communicate effectively.

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Supervisor or Manager?Young Employee?