Practising patience

Jo just started a new job after a long time being unemployed. They arrive at your office unannounced, extremely upset and agitated, almost incoherent with distress.

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Six questions to find out if your work is working for you.

When thinking about their ideal job, most people think about pay, how far they have to travel, their career path, or what ‘work perks’ they get. But research shows the things that actually make a job great are some ‘work related factors’ that might not be on your list at all. 

Ask yourself these 6 questions that will get you thinking about whether your work is actually working for you. 

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Pilfering in the Workplace

You have been in your job for a number of months and are settling in and enjoying the work. You start to notice that your direct supervisor and a couple of your older workmates regularly load up their trucks on a Friday with materials from the worksite.

Do you…

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Worrying about a workmate’s mental health

Over the last few weeks, one of your workmates has been showing up to work late, looking washed out and tired, and has no energy, just dragging themselves through the day. They disappear every lunchtime, and sit alone in their car. You used to have a laugh with them, but now they are quiet and withdrawn.

Do you…

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Favouritism in the workplace

At your café job, it seems that the boss always gives preference to some staff over others. They get the best shifts, avoid the worst tables, and always seem to be laughing and joking with the boss.

Do you…

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Reporting Unsafe Behaviours

You have observed, over a number of weeks, that the new forklift driver is not following the safety lines. They don’t watch out and don’t bother waiting for other activities in the warehouse before they start pulling out items. There have been a couple of close calls, for example where someone was on the phone and didn’t hear the forklift, and it came pretty close to them before they realised because the driver wasn’t within the safety areas.

Do you…

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Bullying in the workplace

You see one of the supervisors giving another apprentice a hard time, it seems to happen every morning when they arrive on-site – they are too late, or too early, or have brought the wrong tools, worn the wrong clothes – nothing they do seems right. You know this is actual bullying, rather than normal behaviour, because it has been going on for a few months, repeatedly targeting one person, and you can see how it is upsetting the apprentice.

Do you…

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Are you a

Supervisor or Manager?Young Employee?