Performance Management

Assists employees to improve on their performance or improve their conduct and behaviour.

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A woman sitting across a male employee in an interview setting.

Performance management is designed to assist employees to improve on their performance or improve their conduct and behaviour.  In addition, performance management should assist managers and employees when addressing unacceptable performance and behaviours. Performance Management should always be in alignment with the Fair Work legislation. 

The objective of a Performance Management is to:

  • Improve or correct the standard of conduct or poor performance of an employee when appropriate
  • Provide an employee with the opportunity to improve their performance and correct any misconduct 
  • Provide managers with the appropriate steps to take to address concerns relating to misconduct and performance 
  • Ensure that each matter is reviewed and addresses on an individual basis and that the employee is treated fairly and equally 
  • Ensure that a business is managing employees in a consistent way when it comes to disciplinary action and termination 

Performance management policies and procedures will provide employees and managers with information regarding their rights and responsibilities in conducting or participating in informal supervision/counselling, verbal warnings, written warnings, termination and what constitutes serious misconduct.

Refer to the Performance stage of an employee’s lifecycle to find resources that may assist in managing employee performance.

Employee Life Cycle: Performance

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