Two hands shaking hands

New Hire

Processes, scripts and scenarios to handle typical issues in the workplace.

HomeC.L.E.A.R. ScenariosThis

Jackson is a recent applicant for a vacant position. You have been looking to fill this role for a few weeks and when Jackson came along after interviewing him and meeting him several times you knew he was the right fit, and so you offer him the role. During the interview process, you discover that Jackson has had several other interviews which do not surprise you as he is of high caliber. It’s two weeks before he can start and you are keen to ensure he remains excited about joining the team and you make him feel welcome.


Even though Jackson has not started working yet you feel it’s important that he feel connected to the team and excited to start working with you.  You have sent him an email with all of the welcome information including what to wear, what time to arrive, and who to report to on day one. You decide to call to re-connect before he starts in just over a week.


The purpose of calling rather than sending another email is to ensure that you pick up any potential change in Jackson since you last spoke to him. When you made him the offer he sounded excited and asked good questions. You call him with the sole purpose of listening for any change in motivation and answering any questions that he may have thought of since you met last. In most situations like this, it is what is not being said that is critical – changes in tone, not being engaged in the conversation are the types of potential changes that you are looking for.

  • The purpose of calling prior to the employee commencing is to ensure that the future employee knows what is required on the first day and feels welcome.
  • Cover off the start time, what to wear, what is the norm in terms of bringing their own lunch or eating out, what facilities are close by, is parking available or provided, the nearest train or bus stop. Anything logistical that will assist the employee to feel comfortable on their first day.
  • Let the employee know what they need to bring on day one if anything, certificates, tools, etc.
  • Let them know the names of the people they will be working with.
  • Answer any questions.
  • If the employee does not answer, tell them why you called so that they do not panic.
  • Lleave a message saying you were ringing just to provide some useful first-day tips and if they could call you back that would be appreciated.


Based on your meeting with Jackson is he presenting the same? Has his tone or manner changed? Did he have any questions that make you think he is second guessing his decision or did you have a really engaging call and he feels even more excited to join?


Based on what you hear it is important to act. If Jackson sounds excited, share that excitement. Explain that you are looking forward to him joining the team and if he should have any questions or concerns you are more than willing to take his call at any time.  Explain to him what to expect on his first day, the time that he should arrive and mention that given where the office is located there are not many options to buy lunch so it might be a good idea to bring his own lunch as most of the staff eat in the lunchroom.


End the conversation by asking if he has any further questions. Answer them accordingly and again reiterate you are looking forward to seeing him when he starts.

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Supervisor or Manager?Young Employee?